Brief Overview:

North Dakota Law 43-62 requires licensure and appropriate registry for individuals practicing the following; (if actively practicing more than one modality MUST have current and appropriate registry in each) as a:

Nuclear Medicine Technologist, Radiation Therapist, Radiographer, Radiologist Assistant, Sonographer, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologist, Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS), Registered Cardiac Electrophysiology Specialist (RCES).

All applicants MUST:

  1. complete the appropriate application
  2. submit appropriate non-fundable fees
  3. have the appropriate registry or working toward completing the appropriate registry(s)
  4. Complete a required Criminal History Records Check. A ND license will NOT be issued until the state and federal background checks are received and/or reviewed. Please be honest when completing the questionnaire, a YES answer does not disqualify you from licensure.
Do NOT send the background check forms/prints and payment to ND BCI directly, they MUST be sent to the Board office for processing. ND BCI will reject all forms/prints and payment if sent directly to them; everything will be returned back to you causing additional delays in the licensure process.

Criminal History Records Check (CHRC) Process: 

NDAC 114-03-02-01. Criminal history record checks.
1. An applicant shall submit a set of fingerprints to the board or its agent for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal history record check in the manner provided by North Dakota Century Code section 12-60-24 and as set forth by the board. 

NDMIRTB CHRC updated process:

Effective July 1, 2016, the Board began requiring a Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) on all NEW applicants in accordance with NDCC 12-60-24(2)(pp).

  1. Go to a law enforcement agency OR a fingerprinting agency to get fingerprinted by an authorized official. You CANNOT take your own fingerprints! Have 2 cards printed to submit with your completed forms and non-refundable fee.

  2. The Board cannot accept a copy of a previously completed CHRC report from the applicant, employer, or employment agency in lieu of the Board’s own CHRC.

  3. The Board will NOT issue a license until the results of the CHRC are received from ND BCI.

  4. Incomplete forms, incorrect payment, unreadable prints, or a past criminal history may result in DELAYS.

    Questions on the background check process, contact the Board office.

Once the completed CHRC forms are received, they are mailed to the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) for processing. BCI will NOT accept forms from you, only from the Board. If your fingerprints are not smudged and rejected (needing to redone); it generally takes about 2-4 weeks before those results are returned to the Board office.

The background checks are done through the FBI. The Board cannot “speed up” the process with BCI or FBI. The Board also cannot accept a copy of a previously completed background check from the applicant, employer, or employment agency in lieu of the Board’s own background check. The Board will not issue a license until the results of the Criminal History Record Checks Request are received.

This process CANNOT be rushed or expedited! Again please be honest and self-report convictions, criminal history, alcohol/drug abuse, mental health issues or disciplinary action is not necessarily a disqualification from licensure.

Resources Updated: 12/17/2024 11:04:44 AM
Page Updated: 1/21/2025 4:32:49 PM